CHAMBER MEMBER EXCLUSIVE - Receive 10% off the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE)

Offer Valid: 03/25/2024 - 08/01/2024
Raising awareness. Shifting mindsets. Creating community change.

Could you make ends meet on a minimum wage job? Participate in this 3-hour interactive event and learn more about the ways you or your organization might help change the conversation about poverty. Trusted by organizations nationwide, the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) facilitates a deeper understanding of poverty's complexities, empowering communities to address issues more effectively. During this immersive, in-person event, participants assume real family roles, fostering empathy and actionable insights of what it's like to live in an A.L.I.C.E. (asset-limited, income-constrained, yet employed) household. 

This immersive learning event is good for serving organizations who have volunteers, faith communities, employers wanting to understand the challenges faced by their workforce, and community leaders. 

As a member of the West Orange Chamber of Commerce, enjoy a 10% discount when you host COPE for your business and employees. Book your COPE session today and start the transformative journey toward a brighter future for your business and community.

COPE Inquiry Form - When completing the form, be sure to mention you are a West Orange Chamber member to receive discount. 

Poverty Solutions Group is exclusively licensed and has trained facilitators to offer this nationwide curriculum in Central Florida through Think Tank, Inc. 

This Special Offer is promoted by West Orange Chamber of Commerce.